The Join Our Journey(JOJ), Recovery Housing program in Southeastern Minnesota are more than just a safe place to recover with likeminded people. JOJ is a place where, even when you’re at your lowest point, you can come home to get the support you need. Learning how to better communicate with others, care for yourself, focus on your recovery, and ultimately become a better, happier version of yourself.

The JOJ Story
JOJ launched using the Oxford Model in 2017. It was founded by two members of the Rochester community who dedicated their lives to the recovery community after a long term recovery program helped them overcome their addiction challenges. Today, JOJ houses its "members" in ten homes located in the Olmsted and Mower County areas. Each home houses up to 8 members and one home is designated for women with children. Everyone pays rent, stays active in the recovery community, and provides a healthy contribution to their home.
The Environment Matters
You don’t recover from substance-abuse challenges just by stopping. You recover by creating a new life where it is easier to not use. Our Homes are all located within safe, family-oriented and upscale communities. We believe strongly that the environment impacts one's ability to recover so we do not place individuals in compromised environments.

JOJ, provides sober, safe, and supportive housing for those striving for recovery, accountability, and independence. We strive to fill the housing need for individuals recovering from substance use challenges who want to grow in their recovery.
In addition to a sober environment, we provide a support system and fellowship while empowering residents to become self-supporting individuals who strengthen their families and contribute to their communities.
Members will receive 24-hour support from peers in recovery.
Members will develop independent living skills.
Members will share the responsibility of maintaining the house.
Members will vote on all issues affecting the house.
Members will elect house officers who will help guide and manage the house responsibly.
Members will receive House Guidelines as well as Training to manage their house successfully.
Members must accept House Rules.
Members must pay his or her share of house expenses. To do so, they must perform & hold a job and/or participate in service work such as education or community service.
Members must truly desire to work on their recovery
Ready To Join Our Journey ?
Surround yourself with others who share a common experience, support one another in sobriety, and join us on the road to recovery! Apply below.
I'm Ready!
You'll be called within two business days to schedule your house interview
You'll be interviewed by members of the house. Show up on time! Make sure you've completed your application and submit it first thing.
An 80% Yes-Vote allows you to join the house
Your Cost Of Living

Equally sharing the expenses keeps the cost low $130.00 a week

A non-refundable move in fee of $200.00 is required

If a new member needs help covering the initial move in costs, some social service agencies may be able to assist them
Meet our owners, Tiffany Hunsley and Bill Hall. Having personally battled and persevered through substance use challenges themselves, Tiffany and Bill made the decision in 2011 to dedicate their lives to serving others. They help others navigate their way out of the darkness and into a new way to live. These opportunities were not available to them during their own struggles. The plan, create a peer lead recovery home environment that was able to essentially create new patterns of behavior, while maintaining a high level of accountability and affordability that nearly anyone could meet. Today, the JOJ housing program represents their vision of moving Beyond Addiction & leading a life in Recovery.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, (SAMHSA’S), Voice Awards program honors people in recovery and their family members who are improving the lives of people with mental illness, substance use disorders, or both in communities across the country. The awards program also recognizes television and film productions that educate the public about behavioral health and showcases that recovery is real and possible through treatment and recovery support.
Tiffany Hunsley, 2016 Voice Award, Consumer / Peer / Family Leadership
Tiffany Hunsley leads a life of long-term recovery and is a mother of four. She is the founder and former executive director of Recovery Is Happening, a recovery community organization that envisions a place where long-term recovery is effectively supported, integrated, and nurtured.

Alcohol And Other Drugs Project
Tiffany’s work with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Alcohol and Other Drugs Project has helped identify ways to improve court-related performance and outcomes for children and families involved in child protection court proceedings. Her successful reunification with her children is a reminder of the overarching goal of the child protection system - getting families back together once it's safe to do so.
Peer recovery support is vital for long-term recovery. Join Our Journey enhances the recovery-oriented system of care by creating a peer-supported recovery program for parents whose lives have been affected by alcohol and other drug addictions. Parent Recovery Partners are parents who have already navigated through recovery, child welfare, chemical health, and the court system. Now, on the other side, they mentor, advocate for, educate and empower other parents currently in or seeking recovery.